Untitled 1997 three panels: polypropylene carpet, wood 202 x 65 x 6 cm photo: Robert Frith
New Carpet Panels 1998 hand-dyed nylon carpet, wood 16 panel set each: 244 x 28 x 8 cm photo: Tony Harrison
Three Panels for a Doorway 1997 hand-dyed nylon carpet, wood each: 104 x 104 x 6 cm photo: Tony Harrison
Range Left 1997 carpet (top: nylon, bottom: wool), foam, vinyl, wood 52 x 142 x 8 cm
X Rugs (prototype) 1998 woolen carpet, cut and overlocked 200 x 200 cm when flat
X Rugs (model) 1998 strawboard, foamcore, matboard and coloured paper
Esse Rug on Wall and Floor 1997 readymade woolen designer rug 100 x 123 x 100 cm photo: Tony Harrison
Untitled 1997 hand-dyed nylon carpet, wood 202 x 22 x 6 cm Private collection photo: Tony Harrison
Unit/System 1997 hand-dyed nylon carpet, wood 16 panels each: 202 x 22 x 6 cm dimensions and arrangement variable Installation at Goddard de Fiddes Contemporary Art, Perth July – August, 1997 photo: Tony Harrison